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Senzar School of Sacred Science & Self Awareness

Esoteric Keys to Enlightened Living

Sedona Gathering
November 11-17, 2015

Detailed Itinerary

Advance registration is required. You can register for a single class below, or purchase one of the training packages that are noted at the bottom of this page. On days 1-5 we will be spending a significant amount of time outdoors in Sedona and nearby. Please make sure to check the physical fitness requirements for each class before you register.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015, 8:30am-5:30pm
The Path of Enlightened Living

Today's program includes an introductory discussion and training on the subject of spiritual enlightenment and enlightened living, followed by an immersion in Nature and star meditation at a profound place of peace and Light in nearby Page Springs.

Topics of discussion include:

  • What is Light? What is enlightenment? How do we achieve it, and why should we aim for this experience?
  • The connection between the stars and enlightenment
  • Natural zones of Light and the benefits of spending time in these special locations
  • How to use map dowsing and other methods to locate zones of Light
  • How to measure the Light Reflectivity of people and places
  • Light beings in our midst, including humans, ETs, beings from the Nature Kingdom, Watchers, the Pleiadian Guard, and more.
  • The impact of recent changes on planetary Light levels
  • Cultivating your relationship with Nature and why to prioritize this now

Prerequisites: Well-developed dowsing or muscle testing abilities. You must be proficient at quickly getting "yes/no" responses, pinpointing direction, and counting with a pendulum, finger dowsing, or the use of other dowsing tools. Inner visioning skills are recommended, but not manditory. For basic training in inner visioning (clairvoyance) and other intuitive sensing skills, complete the 'Beyond Dowsing' course that is available in the Senzar Video Vault.

Physical fitness rating: Easy - We will be walking about a 3/4 mile, but at a slow pace and on flat, reasonably groomed pathways. Good walking shoes or sturdy tennis shoes will be adequate.

Registration fee: $225
Includes printed course materials, lunch, and transportation to and from our star meditation location.

Thursday & Friday, November 12 & 13, 8:30am-5:30pm
Zones of Light

Over the next two days, you will learn about the properties of the Sedona area vortexes and why these places have traditionally had such high Light reflectivity. You will learn why so many people who visit these spots report heightened states of Self awareness, visionary experiences, inter-dimensional communications, and more. Finally, we will discuss new and on-going impediments to Sedona's high Light status, how the same circumstances are affecting Light levels around the globe, and what you can do to rise above these dimming influences.

Specific learning experiences and topics of discussion will include:

  • A review of terrestrial and cosmic components of naturally occurring power spots
  • How to discern whether a power spot is Light/Life enhancing or the opposite
  • Feel and measure body/mind states that are stimulated in both types of locations
  • Meet some of the Nature Spirits that occupy these places, and learn how to improve your ability to see and communicate with these beings
  • Learn how star intelligences enlighten major power spots worldwide
  • Learn about settings that are ideal for star communications
  • Learn about gravity waves and their relationship with star intelligences
  • Learn how extraterrestrial visitors and native cultures worked with gravity waves to super-charge the power of their focused intention and perpetually transmit the content of their thoughts to particular locations.
  • See and dowse a Native American thought projector that is still functioning today
  • Learn how to build a star-powered thought projector of your own
  • Learn about conditions that cause High Light locations to go dark and about current circumstances that are affecting Light levels around the globe

Prerequisites: Well-developed dowsing skills, including the use of L-Rods other dowsing tools to pinpoint direction and gather information. For online training on the basics of dowsing with L-rods, click here. Inner visioning skills are also recommended for this course, but not manditory.

Physical fitness rating: Moderate - We will be doing two hikes today, about 4-5 miles total. Uneven terrain, but no climbing. Sturdy walking shoes or hiking boots required.

Registration fee: $450
Includes printed course materials, lunch on both days, and transportation to and from our field-study locations.

Saturday & Sunday, November 14 & 15, 8:30am -5:30pm
Creating Temples of Light

Learn how to transform your garden, your home, and other locations into Temples of Light that will support heightened Self awareness, physical and energetic wellness, intuitive clarity, and more.

Learning experiences and topics of discussion will include:

  • See a slide show of the global network of high powered Temples of Light that were designed by Pleiadian visitors eons ago.
  • Visit several modern-day, engineered Temples of Light
  • Learn how your mind and heart influence the Light reflectivity of your personal space.
  • Select a location to create your first Temple of Light
  • Learn how to balance common physical and subtle energy situations that diminish environmental Light reflectivity, including:
    • Space clearing priorities
    • Adusting any negative influence of underground streams and other subtle energy conduits
    • Compensating for neighborhood/city/regional influences
    • Finding/resolving root causes of Spirit Unit breaks
    • Compensating for cosmic influences...and more
  • Use remote viewing and map dowsing to evaluate your first Temple site
  • Learn how to enlist the assistance of the Nature Kingdom for your first project and beyond
  • Learn how to enhance the Light reflectivity of your first Temple site by adding stones, geometric forms, particular plants, sounds, spirit helpers, and more.
  • Visit Sedona's top rock shop and learn how to select the exact stones you need for your first Temple project

Prerequisites: Well-developed dowsing skills, including the use of L-Rods or other dowsing tools to pinpoint direction and gather information. For online training on the basics of dowsing with L-rods, click here. Inner visioning skills are also recommended for this course, but not manditory.

Physical fitness rating: Easy - We will be walking short distances on well-groomed pathways. Tennis shoes will be adequate.

Registration fee: $450
Includes printed course materials, lunch on both days, and transportation to and from field-study locations.

Monday & Tuesday, November 16 & 17, 2015, 8:30am-5:30pm
Becoming a Temple of Light

Learn the keys to fine-tuning your physical and subtle body system for optimal personal Light reflectivity. An essential step in this process is eradicating past life belief codes and codes clusters that greatly limit your High Light potential.

In this two-day program you will learn advanced strategies for clearing complex belief codes that would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to clear otherwise. Methods we will cover include:

  • The Senzar Image Exchange Method
  • The Senzar Memory Key Method
  • The Senzar Inner Journey Method
A segment of this program will include a review of trauma hot spots for humans and other species over the past million years, particularly involving high-technology of past civilizations and extraterrestrial involvement with planet Earth, including Sirian, Annunaki, and Pleiadian activities, Atlantean and Egyptian techno-blunders, the Cygnus connection, the plight of the Greys, the Ark of the Covenant, the root of Old Testament stories about the great flood, plagues, and more. Knowledge of the players involved, timelines, and key elements (memory keys) from these trauma periods can be incredibly valuable in clearing past life belief codes.

Prerequisites: For this course you must be proficient at quickly getting "yes/no" responses and counting with a pendulum, finger dowsing, or the use of other dowsing tools. Inner visioning skills and other intuitive sensing abilities will be utilized heavily in this course. For basic training in inner visioning (clairvoyance) and other intuitive sensing skills, complete the 'Beyond Dowsing' course that is available in the Senzar Video Vault.

Physical fitness requirements: None

Registration fee: $380
Includes printed course materials and lunch on both days.

Package Options

Package #1
The Path of Enlightenment + Zones of Light
3 full training days: $595 (save $80)

Package #2
The Path of Enlightenment + Creating Temples of Light
3 full training days: $595 (save $80)

Package #3
The Path of Enlightenment + Zones of Light + Creating Temples of Light
5 full training days: $950 (save $175)

Package #4
The Path of Enlightenment + Creating Temples of Light
+ Becoming a Temple of Light
5 full training days: Package rate: $895 (save $160)

Full Training Package - 7 full training days - Nov 11-17: $1,195 (save $310)